Where is the Proof? Part 1



Everyone is looking for it. PROOF. Whether we like it or not, what we say matters. However, what is on display through our lives is the PROOF.

As of two weeks ago, I am officially an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. (PLUG: Check out my profile page!) You will find great Meal Replacement Shakes, Supplements and the best workout plans on the market today. Success for my business, like any other business, comes as I sell Beachbody products. In the training process, this phrase was repeated, “You are PROOF that the products give results.” People will not buy from me simply because I can tell them about the products. They want to see PROOF! People want to see that I have had successful results.

I woke up to an email from Commentary Weekly last week. Here are a few sentences from the article titled: How Should Christians Address the “Big Bang Theory.”
“This new evidence strongly suggests that there was a beginning to our universe. If the universe did indeed have a beginning, by the simple logic of cause and effect, there had to be an agent – separate and apart from the effect – that caused it.”

For years, scientists have been looking and will continue to look for answers about the creation of our world and universe. Some people believe in the Big Bang Theory and some believe in the God of the Bible that spoke the world into existence. Either way, people want to know the truth. They want to see PROOF!

How does my husband know I am completely committed to him? That he has all my heart and I am unwavering in my devotion to him? I must PROVE my love. He wants to see my love. Thru acts of service, putting his needs above my own, spending time doing the things he enjoys doing, making his favorite meals and more, these actions are PROOF of my love. He needs to see PROOF that I am in this marriage as long as I have breath in my lungs.

PROOF. Evidence. Confirmation. Truth.

PROOF is not a new concept. For several reasons we all desire it. We search for it. We base major decisions on it. PROOF is how we know if we should step out of our comfort zone.

In my life, I know these things to be true:

  • I am a follower of Jesus Christ.
  • I love my husband, John Mark.
  • I am crazy about my son, Cade.
  • I love being around the church.
  • I love fitness and coaching others.

But how do people looking at my life know these statements to be true? They know because of the PROOF in my life! Where do I spend my time and energy? What do I change my schedule for? What do I get up early for? What will I go the extra mile for?

People are looking for PROOF – PROOF that you really care. PROOF that you are who you say you are.

God tells us in the Bible that He loves us. Years ago, I choose to believe Him and asked Him to come into my heart and life. He guides me every day. I want others to know God and believe in Him, but it is up to me to tell them and show them God’s love. People want PROOF. People want to see God’s love in action.

So, are you PROOF of what you claim? Are your actions EVIDENCE to want you say? Are you the REAL thing?